For quite a few years now, we have seen an old Gipsy Ambulance dumped
in a field, near to a steam rally we attend, as we have a Fire
Appliance, we ( my daughter, son & son in law) thought it might be
nice to have this, making up a fleet of emergency vehicles, also with
me being a retired ambulanceman a good project, we have tried to
purchase this vehicle before, but not having much success, until it
came up on eBay a few months ago, I had to pay a lot more than its
true worth considering its condition.
Well now I have it home, and have done some research it has turned out
that it is the Proto-type of the Wadham Stringer Ambulance's built on
an Austin Gipsy, what a rare vehicle indeed! "Also now cheap at the
price," The Ambulance body has not suffered too much from the UK wet
weather, but the Austin Gipsy front end has really taken a beating.
The Austin Gipsy owners Club (UK) Mike Gilbert's has even managed to
send me a copy of the original drawings for our Ambulance, what a
I have had members of Hampshire Ambulance Service contact me as this
is where it First worked, giving me all sorts of information, and I
have spoken to one of the original body builders.
So I'm more determined to get this restored and back on the road.
Though after a weekend of finding how bad the metal work is I don't
think it will be ready for a year or so. Though if I can find a good
front end, I might do a swap, bringing forward our re-build.
The wings on our Ambulance have been modified – well in truth they
have been made by the Body builders as they are more like a Landrover
style having square sharp edge to them and no vents, but this is
correct from some of the information people have told me, they still
have the Gipsy front curve!
I know I'm mad but I think a nice "Police" Gipsy could be the next
project? Then we would have a true emergency Fleet. I will keep an
eye open just in case one turns up. But this one must be completed
Alan Dunderdale