Sunday, 10 November 2013

An Austin Gipsy in France

In the beautiful south of France, not far from Nîmes, Philippe has owned this Austin Gipsy and driven it on his private land for quite a few years now.  A while ago he wrote to us:" The car is of course quite a bit rusty....(1960 !), the engine is running well, the broken petrol tank has been replaced by a glass fiber one, I still use it at least one day every week with satisfaction...but some work has to be done to make it more reliable...!! as I said, because of my great age (70 next week....!)  a restoration program is no consideration, so I decided to give it to a younger  fan of Gipsy...!"

To us this gipsy doesn't look too rusty at all to be rescued and we're happy to tell you that a new owner has now taken over this car.